Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My New Year Resolutions ! May be !

Somehow as far as I can remember, I have never made any new year resolutions, as I have this feeling that I will not stick to them so why bother?  So you must be thinking why now ?

There are some things that I have been trying to follow since a long long time now and I thought I will share those with you today ..
  • There is something that I have not shared with anyone , but am very consciously trying not to hoard makeup. Well not that I will not be buying any makeup , but you know the maniac uncontrollable feeling that you get after every new exciting product launch or after seeing a haul post of your favorite blogger/ youtuber, that definitely has got to stop .. Well I guess and that has also to some extent.

  • Also I somehow could not get myself to spend any money on skincare. This is, also something that I have gotten myself into, starting last year. I have started trying some brands that are more dearer. So its not that I won't be shopping or spending money ;), I would be, just more skincare and may be less on makeup.
  • Finally using makeup is also on my radar, as much as I love makeup, I don't get enough time in the morning to put on a full face of makeup. I am usually sporting an eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. So am trying to use my stash.. Let's see how we go.

    What about you ? Are you a resolutions person ?


  1. Nice post dear...but I dont make resolutions...:-)...you have a lovely blog darling...following you now on Facebook and GFC...it would be great if you follow me back...stay connected dear...:-)


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